Another Fresh Start

Sunday, June 03, 2012
Here I go, again! I am starting over with this weight loss journey. I need to loose about 60 pounds. I am starting today. In prepration for this, I have cut my diet pop consumption in half, started an exersice program. O.K. so it's Richard Simmons "Sweating to the Oldies" but at least I am moving, right? I have yet to loose the baby weight I gained when I was pregnant for Benjamin and he is going to be four in August. I would like to have another baby and I know that it is the excess weight that is holding me back. My kids are getting so big. I am loving watching them grow and go through the different stages of their lives. Jacob is in school full-time and likes it, a little! :) Benjamin was in pre-school and now we are just waiting for him to start Junior Kindergarten in the Fall. Crazy to think that my babies are growing up so fast. I have made the decision this year to step out of my comfort zone. As a result of this, I went back to school to fulfill a dream of mine to become an Esthetician. I am loving the course and am looking forward to be finished at the end of July. I also audtioned to be in a 50's-60's musical review and I made the cut to be in the chorus! I am so excited. I can not wait. Life has been good save for the odd hiccup now and then.
posted by tammy at 6/03/2012 11:43:00 PM | Permalink |

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The Author

The life and times of a mother, her ever adorable sons and the crazy antics of her husband.

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Location: Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada

I am a thirty something married, mother of two boys, a three year old and a one year old. I knew I would love motherhood, but I never expected to love it as much as I do. I am a SAHM and love being able to raise my sons. It is trying somedays but we are making it by keeping our sense of humour!



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