Ova Donation

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
This is the month I do the ova donation. I am both nervous and excited. We went to Scarborough to have an injection lesson. It hurt far less than I thought it would. I started the Minovral last Thursday and then I start the Lupron drugs on the 12th of November. On day 1 of my period I start having daily blood work performed. I continue taking the Lupron and on day 3 of my period I have an ultrasound then they let me know when to start taking the Puregon. I will have ultrasounds every other day after my period starts untill they tell me it is time for the retrieval. Probably Dec 3rd. I am full of anticipation for the recipient couple. I pray that it will work for them. The director told me she will let me know the outcome of their cycle. I will be lighting candles like mad this month. I will keep you posted on my progress.
posted by tammy at 11/01/2005 08:42:00 AM | Permalink |

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The Author

The life and times of a mother, her ever adorable sons and the crazy antics of her husband.

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Location: Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada

I am a thirty something married, mother of two boys, a three year old and a one year old. I knew I would love motherhood, but I never expected to love it as much as I do. I am a SAHM and love being able to raise my sons. It is trying somedays but we are making it by keeping our sense of humour!



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