Pictures Up loaded

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Just for you Milenka!!!
I know some of them are very late and I apologize for my tardiness.
Now that we have our very own wonderful computer and I have figured out how to get the pictures uploaded...yes I had a 2 hour blond moment tonight, I will for surely upload more pictures on a regular basis.
When I started thinking about having weight loss surgery Dr Pop told me to expect to loose 70% of my excess weight within one year. It has been 6 months since I had my surgery and I have lost 80.5 pounds of my 115 I have to loose.. That my friends is 70% of my excess weight. Holy Shit I can't believe it. I have 30% more to loose and I will at my goal. 35 pounds = 30%. I really hope to have it gone for my 1 year. I have just under 6 months to do that.
Next weekend my husband's aunt, 2 cousins, my mom and I are going on a power shop to the U.S of A. I can not wait. Our 17 year old cousin will be looking for prom dresses. She is so tiny and petite I hope she has good luck. It is such a contrast to when I shopped for prom dresses, I had a hard time finding a nice dress because I was heavy. I guess it doesn't matter our body sizes we all have our clothing issues. I am looking very forward to this shopping trip. They are all coming to stay with us on the Friday and I have been very busy selecting the menu for supper that night. I have narrowed it down to chicken or pork chops for the entree and then for desert a carmel apple sundae desert or a black forest mousse thingy...both very sugar free and low fat of coarse. Yummy. It's great how we have learned to modify recipes to make them "legal" for us to eat. Anyway, we always have such a great time when we're together so this should prove to be a great time. Adam's older cousin has not stayed with us since Adam turned 30 2 years ago this month so it will be very nice to have her. Adam's aunt and cousin come more often, I am very close to the aunt and I think it is because she reminds so much of Adam's mom whom I love very much and still miss like crazy.
We are having our "niece" stay with us this week-end. I am so excited to have her. It will be her first sleep over with Aunt Tammy and Uncle Adam and we always have so much fun with her. She is so funny and my aunt says she is talking so much more now. I have not seen her since Valentine's Day and that is far too long to be without her sweetness.
posted by tammy at 3/02/2006 12:59:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Pictures Up loaded
Hi Tammy

Just to let you know: I was approved today to have surgery with Dr. Pop :) :)


You look so great, T! Congratulations on hitting the 70% mark! :-)

The Author

The life and times of a mother, her ever adorable sons and the crazy antics of her husband.

My Photo
Location: Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada

I am a thirty something married, mother of two boys, a three year old and a one year old. I knew I would love motherhood, but I never expected to love it as much as I do. I am a SAHM and love being able to raise my sons. It is trying somedays but we are making it by keeping our sense of humour!



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