Parental Prospects

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Lately I have been thinking with great fondness about the fact that in less than two years I could be pregnant. And its not just a pipe dream wish anymore with the hope that we'll have the money saved up by then for IVF. This donor cycle has brought so much hope and anticapation into our lives. It has filled a void of vagueness with the knowledge that our dream of becoming parents is closer to us than it has ever been.
I have written a thank you note to the recipient couple. I hope IVF Canada will give it to them. I want them to know how much gratitude we have for them for allowing us the opportunity to not only help them achieve their dream but to also help realize our own dream. It is so important to me that they be successful with this.
posted by tammy at 11/29/2005 12:31:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Day Seven in Ova Donation Cycle

Sunday, November 27, 2005
We had to go to Scarborough today to have day seven ultrasound and blood work performed. Apparently, I have a small 2 cm cyst on my ovary but Dr Woo is not too concerned about it. I have 4 ovum on my right side and 2 on my left. I was a little disappointed with this number but Dr Woo seemed ok. He said that more may start to develop over the next few days. I hope so I want this couple to have as many eggs as possible so that they have a good chance of achieving a pregnancy. He was disappointed with the lab/ultrasound places here in Windsor because of the fact they take too long to get results faxed to them. He told me I have to come to Scarborough and stay starting Wednesday until the day of retrieval. I don't mind having to be there because I want this cycle to be successful. Luckily, Adam is still off work so he can come with me. I hope some more quality eggies start to grow.
I think we will be taking our money at the end of this cycle. The reason is that with IVF Canada doing off site monitoring is too difficult. With The Centre for Reproductive Care in Hamilton off site monitoring is performed through Dr Pattinson's office and he does the ultrasounds right at his office and knows how important it is to get those results to the clinic right away. As such the blood work is also performed right at his clinic and then can be sent STAT when needed. I love Dr Pattinson so it is a good trade off. As much as I like IVF Canada its just too difficult and to stay in Scarborough for 2 weeks is just not feasible. We will be visiting Hamilton in the New Year and I will have a list of questions to ask them about their procedure and their success rates. I am sure it is not much different than with IVF Canada. The only difference I can see is that at IVF Canada they use a twilight sedation during ova retrieval whereas in Hamilton they just freeze it. But for the sake of convenience and having a baby I can suck it up and take the pain. I am sure it can't be any worse than the HSG test I had two years ago. I will try to keep you posted as much as possible while we are away. I may have to wait till me get home though.
Please wish me luck and luck to the recipient couple. Lots of baby wishes for them.
posted by tammy at 11/27/2005 03:21:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

The listing ends

Friday, November 25, 2005
Thankfully the listing is over. Today we ordered new siding and windows for our house. We are very excited about this. The color we chose is called Prestige Beige it will look really rich with the white trim and the black roof and shutters. Hopefully it will be in by Christmas.
On the weight loss front all is well. I am at 195. I go for my appointment with Dr Pop on Thursday. I can't wait to see him again he is so awesome.
My mom had great luck when she went Wednesday. She passed her breathing test and should have a new surgery date within the next couple weeks. I can't wait. I hope all goes well.
Nothing else is new.
posted by tammy at 11/25/2005 04:34:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Size 16 Jeans

Sunday, November 20, 2005
I am now wearing size 16 jeans I have not worn in 6 years. You have no idea how great I feel. I now weigh 198 so I am sailing along in onederland.
Someone came to see our house today so far we have not heard anything but by tomorrow we should know for sure. I am not holding out much hope. The listing ends on Saturday and as far as I am concerned it can't come quick enough.
I helped my mom put up her tree today. It looks really nice. I like the way it turned out. I will be having Adam take our things down from the attic and this week-end I will work on putting it up. I love Christmas. My father is Jewish so we celebrate Hanukkah too and since Adam and I were married we have had Hanukkah dinner at our house with my dad's sister and her family. It is always a great time. This year Hanukkah falls between Christmas and New Year so we will be having it on the Wednesday. We each make something that our Bubbie (Jewish grandma) would make so that we keep her memory alive. Then we play some Hanukkah music and of coarse the Dreidel Game for chocolate gelt. Last year my cousin and her family won all the loot so this year it will war!!! LOL. I am looking forward to that evening a lot.
So that is all that's new this weekend.
posted by tammy at 11/20/2005 06:55:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments


Thursday, November 17, 2005
UPDATE No meeting tonight everyone cancelled. I really hope this group gets off the ground. I need it to help me in my continued success of this program.

I have reached onederland in my journey. Yippeee.

Today is the second support group meeting. Let's hope it goes better than the last one. LOL. At least I know there will be more people at this one, since Adam is coming too. I think there will be about 5 of us this evening. I hope so anyway.
We went to the gym last night and did an aqua fit class. It was a great class. We had fun.
posted by tammy at 11/17/2005 08:47:00 AM | Permalink | 1 comments

Day Three of Injections

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Ok so last night I did my third injection. It hurt. I also had my first hotflash yesterday. It was histerical.
I had to go for my three month blood work for Barix, they took 6 vials. There is an ultrasound place across the hall so I thought it would be perfect for the IVF thing... Once I have the bloodwork I can just scoot across the hall and have my ultrasound. Not so easy. Apparently an appointment is neccassary and they are booking three weeks out. I know Windsor is not an IVF city but I was having a hard time getting these ladies to understand that the ultrasound needs to be done on a demand basis. I will not know what day to have the ultrasound done until my period starts. The clinic will not know what subsiquent days I need untill they see my bloodwork results. I will be calling the clinic today to see if there is anything they can do to make these Windsor Labs understand the urgency of the situation. I was a little frustrated today, to say the least.
We went to the gym last night and did an aqua fit class for an hour. It was fun. Even Adam liked it.
posted by tammy at 11/16/2005 08:29:00 AM | Permalink | 0 comments


Monday, November 14, 2005
I am officially down 50.5 pounds. Yeah I was so excited when I got on the scale this morning to see 200.5! OMG. I had to get off and try again because I did not believe it. I feel so great.
Our weekend was awesome. We visited with our friends and her shower was great. She received allot of nice gifts. It went to fast though but next time we'll go for a little longer.. Once the baby gets here.
I sarted my Lupron injections last night. I was nervous since it was so long ago that I had the class. Luckily they had some instructions in the pack. It went well. It did not hurt at all. I was told that if I call 9 months after the prodecure I will be told if there was a live birth. I pray so hard that the recipient couple has good news. Please say some baby prayers for them.
Adam joined the gym last week so we went for an hour on Thursday and Friday. We did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes in the pool. It was great to have him there. My mom came with us on Friday.
I updated some pictures from my 2 month mark. Check them out.
posted by tammy at 11/14/2005 12:42:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments


Friday, November 11, 2005
This weekend we are going to Ohio to visit our friends we met on the cruise for our honeymoon. We have not seen them in three years. They are expecting a baby in January and this weekend is her shower. We are so excited to be going. For the last three years we have been trying to get together but something always came up. It will be nice to see them.
posted by tammy at 11/11/2005 12:57:00 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

The Weekend

Monday, November 07, 2005
It always seems that there are just not enough hours in the weekend.
On Friday night myself a couple of girls I work with threw a baby shower for one of our colleauges. It was a great time and she was showered with many nice gifts. Everyone said that it went perfectly and we were so organized. She is a great friend so it was very worth it. We had fun planning it.
Saturday I had a Girl Guide training day to attend and that was a whole day affair. I learned some new games to play with the girls as well as some new crafts. I was glad to have gone.
Saturday night my best friend I have known since I was born came home so we spent the evening together. It was a bitter sweet reunion because her grandma had just passed away that morning but I was glad to be there with her and for her. We had a nice time. She moved to Edmonton so we only see eachother once in awhil and I missed her.
posted by tammy at 11/07/2005 10:40:00 AM | Permalink | 0 comments

Annual Womanly Check up

Thursday, November 03, 2005
So it would appear from the annual check up I had yesterday that my cervix is very high. The doctor made me aware of this and told me that is a good thing for child birth. I have no idea why. Just another reminder that if my hubby would not have had that surgeon screw him up I would be a baby making machine. I kind of felt sad after she told me that, but I feel better now. I know my time will come. Everyday it gets closer and closer. I am now 79.5 pounds away from that happening. OMG, I can't beleive it. 204.5 on the scale this morning. I can't wait till I am in Onederland. I hold my breath for hat.
posted by tammy at 11/03/2005 08:43:00 AM | Permalink | 0 comments

Ova Donation

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
This is the month I do the ova donation. I am both nervous and excited. We went to Scarborough to have an injection lesson. It hurt far less than I thought it would. I started the Minovral last Thursday and then I start the Lupron drugs on the 12th of November. On day 1 of my period I start having daily blood work performed. I continue taking the Lupron and on day 3 of my period I have an ultrasound then they let me know when to start taking the Puregon. I will have ultrasounds every other day after my period starts untill they tell me it is time for the retrieval. Probably Dec 3rd. I am full of anticipation for the recipient couple. I pray that it will work for them. The director told me she will let me know the outcome of their cycle. I will be lighting candles like mad this month. I will keep you posted on my progress.
posted by tammy at 11/01/2005 08:42:00 AM | Permalink | 0 comments

The Author

The life and times of a mother, her ever adorable sons and the crazy antics of her husband.

My Photo
Location: Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada

I am a thirty something married, mother of two boys, a three year old and a one year old. I knew I would love motherhood, but I never expected to love it as much as I do. I am a SAHM and love being able to raise my sons. It is trying somedays but we are making it by keeping our sense of humour!


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